Still chasing 0.1% conversions?
I found out something so insane that my team thinks I’m mad for giving this secret away 😛.
But hey… come closer, let me reveal a top secret… *whispers* you come first 😉.
Can we agree that turning your website visitors into leads is no easy task? Every little improvement counts.
So I’m sure you’ve tried out all sorts of complex mechanics to convert the visitors from site optimization to analytics and what not, am I right?
After all of this your conversion rate is still stuck to the same number?
No worries. Let’s fix it.
Today I’m going to show you how Neil Patel grew his conversions by 385% (yes, it’s possible).
No he did not go to town with fancy tools, he just applied a small 5-minute trick on his blog.
Here’s what he did…
He just made his lead-generating banner “Sticky” (floating on top of your screen while you scroll down)
Yeah, that’s all he did.
This simple hack caused his CTR to grow by 385%. Not bad for 5-minutes of effort 😛.
Let me save you some more effort
Now you’ll go, search for the tool, spend at least 15 minutes researching it… All the nine yards of the process.
Let me give you a hand. I decided to make your life a bit easier and found a free WordPress plugin that allows you to make any element on your site “Sticky”/floating.
The plugin is called WP Sticky Menu.
So simple that you can apply it too right now and it doesn’t take more than 5 minutes!